We are a small family run micro farm specializing in cut flowers.
We firmly believe in regenerative agricultural methods and are committed to sustainable garden and farming practices. We will watch and learn from our natural environment and tweak as necessary.
We specialize in cut flowers but we also grow fruits, vegetable's and raise chickens and rabbits on our micro farm. We have 12 chickens who manage the bug population and provide delicious eggs, they are also great at prepping a new bed for us.
We have five rabbits, four does and one buck. We raise our rabbits as our pets but they also provide us with nutrient rich organic fertilizer for our plants. Our Please stay posted for availability of local products. We hope to see you soon and are happy to serve the Pensacola community!
Who We Are
We are a family, working together to build a better life for our children. We have been growing our own food and eating clean for many years. Our love of flowers blossomed as we started incorporating companion flowers into our garden. We are excited to expand our flower production to further serve the community. We plan to grow slowly, this year offering cut flowers and farm fresh eggs. We suggest you keep up with our progress on social media. We hope to share our knowledge and provide the highest quality, worry free products to our customers.
Strategies & Plans
We are constantly evolving and expanding the products we offer on the farm. Every farm takes time to grow and expand and we are in deep in the building process, please keep up with our progress through our YouTube
channel and social media. We look forward to building strong relationships with our customers and supporting local businesses.